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Clinical Trials



Exploring Better Medicine…

Meriden Animal is committed to being at the forefront of animal health and wellness with a core focus on improving the lives of our patients and their parents.

One way Meriden Animal is improving the lives of our patients and helping their parents is by offering clinical trials through a partnership with Veterinary Hospital Research Centers VHRC.

These clinical trials offer pet parents access to treatment by a Meriden Animal doctor at no cost to the pet parent for visits, diagnostics and product!  All clinical trials are completely voluntary and the pet can be pulled at anytime if their parent wishes.


Completed Clinical Trials:

Skin Health Studies:
PYODERMA STUDY : A Blinded Clinical Trial (July 2022 – September 2023)
(Total Study Participants In Trial= 20)  

B-Cure Laser Study:
(Jan 1- Mar. 31, 2022)
(Total Study Participants in Trial = 12 Participants)



Joint Health Studies:
Nutritional Management of Arthritis Study
(Mar 2022- Completion 2023)
(Total Study Participants in Trial = 10)

Probiotic Shampoo & Spray Skin Trial
(Mar 2022- Completion 2023)

(Total Study Participants in Trial = 12)

Dull Coat Study
(Jan 2022- Completion 2022)

Oral Skin Supplement for Itchy Skin
(March 1 -July 31, 2022)
(Total Study Participants in Trial = 12 Participants)


FAQs About Clinical Trials:

What is a clinical trial?

Companies with existing products on the market or companies investigating new treatment modalities utilize clinical trials as a way of learning more about how the ingredients or existing products to help improve pet lives.  

Why clinical trials are important?

Whether its a nutritional supplement or a new innovative medication coming to market, acquiring real life data on real-life challenges helps move healthcare forward and improve the lives of your pets. 

How long do clinical trials last?

The average clinical trial we are hosting ranges from a fast 10 day trial up to a 4 week trial. 

Does my pet have to be a patient at Meriden Animal to participate?

No your pet does not.  We are looking for any pets in the vicinity of Meriden.  We just ask that you are able to make the visit as required in the trail protocol

Can I choose to stop the trial in the middle?

Yes, this trial is voluntary.  However before you stop treatment, please give Meriden Animal a call to discuss why you are choosing to stop. 

How does this benefit you as the pet parent? 

You have access to new beneficial therapies right here in your local community

It costs nothing to you once you are accepted into a trial.  That’s right… its all free. doctor visits, diagnostic lab testing and products are at no cost to you. All you have to do is follow the guidelines and come to check-up visits.